Pigment CSS


Learn how to configure your bundler to use Pigment CSS.

Bundler integrations

Pigment CSS currently provides official integrations for Next.js, Vite, and Webpack. More integrations will be added based on the community interest. If you are interested in a specific bundler, please let us know by checking or opening an issue on GitHub.

To configure each of the bundlers, make sure to install the bundler package and then proceed to the specific section below.

npm i --save-dev @pigment-css/plugin

All bundler specific configurations follow the same pattern.

  1. First import the default export from the bundler specific package path and name it as per your bundler conventions -
  • Next.js — @pigment-css/plugin/nextjs
  • Vite — @pigment-css/plugin/vite
  • Webpack — @pigment-css/plugin/webpack

and then pass in the Pigment CSS configuration options (if any).

  1. After this, import the @pigment-css/react-new/styles.css file in the main entry point file of the app. Make sure that this file is only imported once in the app, otherwise you will end up with duplicate styles in the final bundle. This import will be responsible for adding the Pigment CSS’s layer order as well as injecting the css tokens configured in the theming section.


import withPigment from '@pigment-css/plugin/nextjs';

 * @type {import('next').NextConfig}
const nextConfig = {
  // Your configuration options here

 * @type {import('@pigment-css/plugin/nextjs').PigmentCSSConfig}
const pigmentConfig = {
  // Pigment CSS configuration options here

export default withPigment(nextConfig, pigmentConfig);

When writing the Next.js config in TS -

import type { NextConfig } from 'next';
import withPigment, { type PigmentCSSConfig } from '@pigment-css/plugin/nextjs';

const nextConfig: NextConfig = {
  // Your configuration options here

const pigmentConfig: PigmentCSSConfig = {
  // Pigment CSS configuration options here

export default withPigment(nextConfig, pigmentConfig);

App Router

In the top-level layout.tsx file, add an import to the @pigment-css/react-new/styles.css file at the top.

import '@pigment-css/react-new/styles.css';

// ... rest of the code

Pages Router

In your _app.tsx file, add an import to the @pigment-css/react-new/styles.css file at the top.

import '@pigment-css/react-new/styles.css';

// ... rest of the code

One more point to note in the Pages Router is that the _document.tsx cannot have imports to css files in it. So you can’t use styled or other Pigment CSS functions in it since behind the scenes, it adds an import to a css file.


Pigment CSS does not support Turbopack (yet). We are following the development closely and the support will be added once it’s stable.


import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
// ... rest of the imports
import pigment from '@pigment-css/plugin/vite';

const pigmentConfig: PigmentCSSConfig = {
  // Pigment CSS configuration options here

export default defaultConfig({
  plugins: [
    // ... other plugins

In the entry point file of the app, add an import to the @pigment-css/react-new/styles.css file at the top.

import '@pigment-css/react-new/styles.css';

// ... rest of the code


import PigmentCSSPlugin from '@pigment-css/plugin/webpack';

const webpackConfig = {
  // Your configuration options here

 * @type {import('@pigment-css/plugin/webpack').PigmentCSSConfig}
const pigmentConfig: PigmentCSSConfig = {
  // Pigment CSS configuration options here

export default {
  // ... rest of the webpack config
  plugins: [
    // ... rest of the plugins

In the entry point file of the app, add an import to the @pigment-css/react-new/styles.css file at the top.

import '@pigment-css/react-new/styles.css';

// ... rest of the code

pigmentConfig is an optional argument in all the examples above. If not provided, the default configuration will be used.

Head over to the plugin documentation to learn about the individual options available in the Pigment CSS configuration.

Once the bundler is configured, go to the Styling section to learn how to author css with Pigment CSS.