Pigment CSS


Learn how to apply themes to your application using Pigment CSS.

Theming in Pigment CSS revolves around managing CSS tokens in your code and using them to style your application.

Theme Object

In Pigment CSS, a theme is a JavaScript object that contains a collection of CSS tokens and values. These tokens can represent anything from colors and spacing units to typography scales and breakpoints. The theme object serves as a central source of design tokens that you can consistently use throughout your application’s styles. Here’s how to create a theme object:

// Example theme object
const theme = {
  colors: {
    primary: '#6366f1',
    secondary: '#ec4899',
    background: '#ffffff',
    text: '#1f2937',
  space: {
    sm: '0.5rem',
    md: '1rem',
    lg: '1.5rem',
  fontSizes: {
    body: '1rem',
    heading: '1.5rem',
    display: '2rem',

To use this theme, pass the theme object in the pigmentConfig object:

import { PigmentCSSConfig } from '@pigment-css/plugin/<bundler>';
import { theme } from './src/theme';

const pigmentConfig: PigmentCSSConfig = {
  theme: theme,

Accessing Theme in CSS

The theme object is automatically provided to the styled, css, and keyframes function callbacks as a key in the first argument, making it easy to reference your design tokens:

JS Object Syntax

import { styled, css } from '@pigment-css/react';

// Using theme in styled component
const Button = styled('button')(({ theme }) => ({
  backgroundColor: theme.colors.primary,
  padding: `${theme.space.sm} ${theme.space.md}`,
  fontSize: theme.fontSizes.body,

  '&:hover': {
    backgroundColor: theme.colors.secondary,

// Using theme in css function
const dynamicStyles = css(({ theme }) => ({
  color: theme.colors.text,
  marginBottom: theme.space.lg,
Generated css
.button {
  background-color: var(--colors-primary);
  padding: var(--space-sm) var(--space-md);
  font-size: var(--fontSizes-body);

.button:hover {
  background-color: var(--colors-secondary);

.dynamic-styles {
  color: var(--colors-text);
  margin-bottom: var(--space-lg);

Tagged-template syntax

While this isn’t technically a tagged template literal, it provides a way to use theme values within a string template:

import { styled } from '@pigment-css/react-new';

const Button = styled('button')(({ theme }) => `
  background-color: ${theme.colors.primary};
  padding: ${theme.space.sm} ${theme.space.md};
  font-size: ${theme.fontSizes.body};

  &:hover {
    background-color: ${theme.colors.secondary};

The generated css would be the same as the one in the JS Object Syntax section.

The t() function

The t() function is a utility that you can import from @pigment-css/react-new. It provides a convenient way to access theme values without writing callback functions. You can use it with both JS object syntax and string template syntax:

import { t } from '@pigment-css/react-new';

const Button = styled('button')`
  background-color: ${t('colors.primary')};
  padding: ${t('space.sm')} ${t('space.md')};
  font-size: ${t('fontSizes.body')};

  &:hover {
    background-color: ${t('colors.secondary')};

Or with JS object syntax:

import { t } from '@pigment-css/react-new';

const Button = styled('button')({
  backgroundColor: t('colors.primary'),
  padding: `${t('space.sm')} ${t('space.md')}`,
  fontSize: t('fontSizes.body'),

  '&:hover': {
    backgroundColor: t('colors.secondary'),

When TypeScript is configured (as explained below), you’ll get autocomplete suggestions and type checking when using the t() function.

Type Safety

Pigment CSS is built with TypeScript in mind and provides full type safety for your theme object. To enable autocomplete suggestions and type checking, you can augment the Theme interface from @pigment-css/react-new with your own theme type:

const theme = {
  // theme items as defined above

export type Theme = typeof theme;
import { styled } from '@pigment-css/react';
import type { Theme as MyTheme } from './theme';

declare module '@pigment-css/react-new' {
  interface Theme extends MyTheme {}

Remember to include augment.d.ts in the include array of your tsconfig.json file.

How it works

When you pass a theme object in your pigmentConfig, Pigment CSS does two things:

  1. Replaces all the primitive values in the theme object (no matter the nesting level) with the a css variable string. This variable is a string generated from the paths in the object to access the value. This new theme object is what you actually get in the callback arguments of the styled, css, and keyframes functions.
  2. Generates a css string with all the css variables generated in step 1 with the values being the ones in the theme object. This css is added to the :root selector by default and then injected into the app through the @pigment-css/react-new/styles.css import added into the app entry point as instructed in the integrations guide.

For the theme declared above, Pigment CSS will generate the following css:

:root {
  --colors-primary: #6366f1;
  --colors-secondary: #ec4899;
  --colors-background: #ffffff;
  --colors-text: #1f2937;
  --space-sm: 0.5rem;
  --space-md: 1rem;
  --space-lg: 1.5rem;
  --fontSizes-body: 1rem;
  --fontSizes-heading: 1.5rem;
  --fontSizes-display: 2rem;

and the corresponding theme object that is available in the callback argument is:

Generated theme
const theme = {
  colors: {
    primary: 'var(--colors-primary)',
    secondary: 'var(--colors-secondary)',
    background: 'var(--colors-background)',
    text: 'var(--colors-text)',
  space: {
    sm: 'var(--space-sm)',
    md: 'var(--space-md)',
    lg: 'var(--space-lg)',
  fontSizes: {
    body: 'var(--fontSizes-body)',
    heading: 'var(--fontSizes-heading)',
    display: 'var(--fontSizes-display)',

As an example, you can see the theme tokens of Pigment CSS docs by opening the devtools and then selecting the html element. The actual theme object is declared here.


Besides being a collection of css tokens, the theme object can also contain extra utilities that you can use to facilitate css generation. For example, you can add a breakpoint utility to the theme like this:

  xs: '32rem',
  sm: '40rem',
} as const;

const theme = {
  // ... theme tokens
  breakpoints: {
    gt(key: keyof typeof BREAKPOINTS) {
      return `(min-width: ${BREAKPOINTS[key]})`;
    lt(key: keyof typeof BREAKPOINTS) {
      return `(max-width: ${BREAKPOINTS[key]})`;
    between(from: keyof typeof BREAKPOINTS, to: keyof typeof BREAKPOINTS) {
      return `(min-width: ${BREAKPOINTS[from]}) and (max-width: ${BREAKPOINTS[to]})`;

Now you can use the breakpoints utility in your css like this:

const Button = styled('button')(({ theme }) => ({
  [theme.breakpoints.gt('sm')]: {
    padding: `${theme.space.sm} ${theme.space.md}`,

All of the above methods will only be available during the build process. They are not part of the final bundle in any way.


Pigment CSS is not opinionated about the structure of the theme object or the utilities you add to it. You can add whatever you want to it. Libraries built on top of Pigment CSS might add their own utilities or recommend a certain structure on the theme object.